Disseminating News On Architecture Delhi

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This Blogspot Blog will disseminate News on Architecture Delhi. Our audience shall be the 'general public' and of course people from the concerned profession Architecture or 'Architectural Industry', a term which we are using on our own. The gamut will be Architecture and related stuff. The project is 'temporarily' being called "Architecture Delhi" and also sometimes as "News Architecture Delhi". This is under the programme 'Architecture News India' which further is under the broader programme "Architecture" or "News Architecture" of "Ether Domains".
This Blogger Blog may also post stuff as may be requested by Architects, Consultants, allied service providers, Vendors, Fabricators, Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers. And these, by the way, are the people implied in 'Architectural Industry'.
The news that we provide here may already have been accessed by you and there may be an interval in time or time gap in the time that a news got made and the time that the same news appeared here. So bear. Our source is mostly internet.
We may be celebratory sometimes. We are not surreal and we are not pseudo. We are mostly brasstacks type and 'as is where is' type or 'wysiwyg' type. We try to be prudent, we don't cheat!
Jurisprudence is required to present news that is relevant. Parent Website for 'this project' exists for quite some time now, and you may visit it at http://www.architecturenews.in . We are Ether Domains. You may visit www.etherdomains.com to fetch links to other websites under other projects being handled, nurtured by "Damn Good Domains", the Title of the website. The Founder, Owner of Ether Domains is an Architect. Aha?!

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Cover Photo Architecture News Delhi in the present time. Cover Picture.
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Profile Photo Architecture News Delhi. Profile Picture.
Profile Photo Architecture News Delhi

Houseplants for cleaning interiors of Delhi buildings

Areca Palm, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Money Plant detoxify indoor air
Houseplants cleaning the world's smoggiest city - Delhi, that is.
The CEO of Paharpur Business Centre grows 400 plants in his office building's greenhouse to help clean its indoor air. The areca palm, mother-in-law's tongue, and the money plant are mostly used because of their complementary abilities to detoxify indoor air and enrich it with oxygen.
Refer http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2014/12/141230-can-plants-really-clean-indias-air .
"... He uses rainwater collected in cisterns to spray the trees so they can grow faster and absorb more pollutants. ..."
"... "Sustainability is good business, and energy efficiency is low-hanging fruit," says Meattle, whose 25-year-old building was India's first to earn the top rating (in 2010) for a retrofit from the U.S. Green Building Council. He says it uses one-fifth as much energy per square meter as the average office building in India. At least 10 percent of its energy savings is due to plants, which obviate the need to pump in ambient air.
His horticulture is also a practical nod to ancient tradition. "Why did Buddha sit under the peepul [or bodhi] tree?" he asks, adding that the sacred fig with heart-shaped leaves releases oxygen even at night, allowing those beneath a light sleep. ..."
This is from December 2014.